City of Hope

City of Hope

  •  Creative Direction

  • OOH

  • Video Direction

  • Digital Marketing

  • Paid Media

The Answer to Cancer from Day One

City of Hope was looking for ways to improve its best cancer hospital rating, expand referrals and drive patient preference. Both my writing partner on this work and myself have deep personal experience with cancer in our families — we drew from that to depict the journey between that unimaginable day when you get diagnosed the cancer, and the day you are put in the capable hands of the dedicated professionals at City of Hope.


Concepting & Ideation

We are the keepers of dreams. And the protectors of futures.

Finished Work

Through an intentional media mix recommendation comprising of local, targeted ads for proactive patients to encourage preference for City of Hope— to national plays focused on improving hospital ranking and attracting the best oncologists, these tactics would get the right story to the right target.

National & Local Tactics for Healthcare Professionals

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Local Patient Tactics

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